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Unified Bank

External Accounts

How do I add an external account (from another bank)?

Adding an external account is easy.  Log into online banking.  If you see “EXTERNAL TRANFERS” click that tab, otherwise click “TRANSFER” then click “Launch External Transfer”.  You should now see a link titled “+ Add a New Account” that you can click.  Select the Account Type and follow the on-screen instructions.

How many accounts can I add?

Up to five (5) external accounts can be added.


What types of external accounts can I add?

The External Transfer setup will allow you to add Checking, Savings, Freedom Money Market (checking or savings), or Brokerage accounts.  The required information for checking, savings, or money market accounts is the routing number of the bank holding the account and the account number at that bank.  For Brokerage accounts, the required information varies depending on the brokerage firm.


How do “Trial Deposits” or “Test Deposits” work?

The External Transfer system will send two small deposits to the external account you’re adding.  A third, debit transaction, will also be sent to the account to offset the two deposits.  These transactions will show in the account in 1-3 business days.  Once the deposits arrive you will return to External Transfer, then select “Manage Accounts”, and click “Activate” to finalize the account.  When prompted, enter the amounts of the two deposits, then click “Activate”.


Why am I being asked to log into my other bank?

Your other bank is a participant in the same transfer network Unified Bank participates in.  When this happens, the External Transfer system asks you to log into your other bank’s online banking.  This information is not stored anywhere and is used solely to prove your ownership of the account.  As soon as you log in, the account information is verified and your login information for the other bank is discarded.


Why can’t I add an account?

If you tried to add an account and failed to activate it twice, the account is permanently blocked in the External Transfer system and can no longer be added.